Maps of Argentina
Administrative and political maps:
- Detailed administrative map of Argentina.
- Detailed political and administrative map of Argentina with roads and relief.
- Large detailed administrative map of Argentina with cities.
- Large detailed administrative and political map of Argentina.
- Large detailed political map of Argentina with releif.
- Large detailed political map of Argentina with roads.
- Large detailed political and administrative map of Argentina.
Physical maps:
Road maps:
Other maps:
Maps of Argentina cities
Maps of Buenos Aires city:
Short description of Argentina:
The Iguazù Falls, in the northeastern part of Argentina as well as the deserts and steppes in the northwest are a must, for these are amongst the most beautiful sites in the country. In the east lies the flatland of the Pampas and the Gauchos stretching from Buenos Aires to the south of Santa Fe and Cordoba. Chaco, in the north is a subtropical area covered by forestland and wetlands and inhabited by a wide range of animal and plant species.
Buenos Aires and other capitals throughout Argentina all boast historical backgrounds offering a glimpse of the colonial era and elegant architectural sites. There are also many examples of different religious architecture ranging from Buddhism to Russian Orthodox. While Spanish is the official language, English, Italian, German and French are also spoken.
The climate varies greatly, the north being subtropical, the southernmost tip in Patagonia sub-antarctic, while the Pampa is mild and humid.