Maps of Slovakia

Administrative and political maps:

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Physical maps:

Map collection of Slovakia. Detailed road, administrative, physical and topographical maps of Slovakia. All cities in Slovakia on the maps. Maps of Slovakia.

Short description of Slovakia:

Slovakia is a nation situated in the Central Europe that has an area of about 49,000 km2. This landlocked country has a population of about five million people and it is considered to be an advanced economy. Bratislava is the capital city of Slovakia. Most of the people living in this country are Slovaks.

In fact, more than 4/5th of the populations are Slovaks and the other people living in the country are of Hungarian origin. Slovak and Hungarian are spoken in the country but the Slovak is its official language.

The constitution of the country allows freedom of religion and most of the people in this country are Roman Catholics.
About 2/3rd of the population follows Roman Catholicism but not all these people go to Church on a regular basis. Slovakia is sometimes referred to as Tatra Tiger. The economy has changed from a planned economy to an economy driven by the market forces.

The banking sector of the country has been privatized and the number of foreign investments has also increased tremendously. The country’s medieval castles, mountains, natural landscapes, caves, ski resorts and spas are some of the things that attract the tourists to Slovakia.

In the year 2006, the number of tourists to Slovakia was more than 1.6 million people.

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