Maps of Netherlands (Holland)
Administrative and political maps:
Road maps:
Relief maps:
Maps of Netherlands cities
Maps of Amsterdam city:
Short description of Netherlands:
It has Germany on its east, the North Sea on the west and north, and Belgium on its south. The country has a dense population. According to the Index of Economic Freedom, it ranks 12th as the most free market capitalist economy in the world.
Netherlands is known for many things such as Gouda cheese, bicycles, tulips, windmills and clogs. It also has a very high social tolerance level. The nation is divided in to two parts by three rivers and these rivers are the Meuse, the Waal and the Rhine.
There are hundreds of natural reserves in the country and this includes the twenty national parks. Majority of these natural reserves consist of woods, heathland and lakes.
Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer own majority of these natural reserves. The economy of the country is open and it is flourishing. Netherlands’ main commercial activities include electrical machinery, petroleum refining, chemicals and food-processing.
It has been reported that the country is the tenth leading country, in terms of nominal Gross Domestic product per capita. It is also the sixteenth largest economy worldwide.